Psychotherapy Services in Louisville KY

Mental Health Services Louisville KY Therapy Session

Compassionate Specialty Care

Reclaim Wellness Group offers in-person and virtual psychotherapy in Louisville KY and other states with some of the country’s leading specialists in treatments for OCD, anxiety, body-focused repetitive behaviors, PTSD, depression, and more. Contact us to find out about therapists authorized to practice across state boundaries with PSYPACT. Visit the following website to find out if your state currently participates in PSYPACT:

Specialty Mental Health Treatment in Louisville KY

Mental Health Services Louisville KY Therapy

Reclaim Wellness Group is a "specialty" mental health clinic in Louisville, KY. Although our therapists can provide care for several conditions, they have dedicated their careers to being experts in the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), OCD-related disorders, anxiety, and unhelpful perfectionism using evidence-based approaches.

A non-specialist is likely to miss most symptom presentations of OCD and OCD-related disorders, and may not be trained to provide the correct treatment needed for patients to experience long-term recovery. Sadly, it takes an average of 14-17 years for a person to receive a correct diagnosis of OCD! That is an unacceptable amount of time to wait for wellness and peace of mind, especially for such treatable conditions as OCD and anxiety. Please contact us if you’re interested in specialty mental health treatment at Reclaim Wellness Group. 

Experts in OCD & OCD-Related Disorders

Mental Health Services Louisville KY Therapy OCD

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is one of the most misdiagnosed forms of mental illness by non-specialists and therapists. We often see patients who have been in therapy for several years being treated for what they were told was a different condition like generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, depression, or even psychosis.

Unfortunately, the media has contributed to the stigmatization of OCD by exclusively depicting characters whose fears have to do with germs or straightening pillows on a couch.

OCD can be confused with other conditions often referred to as “OCD-related disorders,” or “OCRs” for short. Although OCR symptoms can overlap with OCD, they are indeed separate disorders on their own and may even be treated using a different evidence-based approach. Fortunately, the therapists at Reclaim Wellness Group have specialized training and expertise in distinguishing OCRs from OCD, as well treating OCRs. A few common OCRs may include, but are not limited to, the following: trichotillomania (hair-pulling), excoriation (skin-picking), hoarding disorder, and body dysmorphic disorder. Please contact us if you’re interested in treatment options for OCD-related disorders at Reclaim Wellness Group.

Group Therapy and Support

Mental Health Services Louisville KY OCD

Most people with anxiety, depression, and mental illness are suffering in silence. They may think that telling someone about their struggles would be too burdensome, or that their loved ones wouldn’t understand. Compared to all other mental illnesses, a recent study showed that depressed individuals with OCD and OCD-related disorders felt the least deserving of feeling better.

This may be due to shame that’s associated with publicly visible symptoms, as well as most people with OCD having awareness that their fear-based thoughts and behaviors are unreasonable.

Our therapists at Reclaim Wellness Group offer several outpatient group therapy options for individuals with specific symptom presentations and conditions. There is currently one group that meets at the clinic in Louisville, KY every other week for individuals struggling with hoarding disorder. There is another group that meets once a month for individuals with OCD, OCD-related disorders, anxiety, perfectionism, and eating disorders who have already been through active treatment for their respective condition. This group meets online via Zoom. For individuals who are in active treatment for OCD, an OCD-related disorder, anxiety, or perfectionism, there is a group meeting at the clinic in Louisville, KY every other week. Please contact us if you’re interested in attending group therapy at Reclaim Wellness Group.


By Appointment Only

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

9:00am - 5:00pm

Saturday & Sunday

Reclaim Wellness Group

4010 Dupont Cir Suite #600
Louisville, KY 40207
Call or Text:

(502) 758-9878